It's an interesting question.
There seem to be different opinions on this. I have heard one of the tutors from Arthur Findlay College say the spirit is energy and therefore doesn't get trapped.
I myself have asked a guide who came through in Trance about the subject.
He said it depended on the person at their time of passing: fears, beliefs, emotions and mental state could play a part in the spirit not moving on.
Fear of judgement, or say, if you were very religious and after your passing, it wasn't what you thought. He did say that spirits grow and learn and move beyond these in time.
Remember, time is different in the spirit realm - our decades or years could be a moment for them.

I have spoken to other light workers who were involved in locating lost people. They have said that often those missing were not always aware they had died.
So spirits may not be aware they are deceased. They could be physically attached to something or someone, so they won't leave. Fear of judgement or guilt may make them avoid facing the light.
It comes down to whether they are either ready or not to move on, consciously or unconsciously choosing to stay or go.
Please don't worry that your loved ones are earthbound. When they are ready, they will eventually move on. This is not a race, it's a part of their soul's experience.

What is spirit rescue? This relates to the practice within spiritualism of assisting spirit entities who are believed to have failed to make the transition to their afterlife.
There are groups who do spirit rescue, helping spirit move on. I myself came across a spirit at my work who was afraid of judgement, so did not move forward. I spoke with him, reassuring him and asked an archangel to help guide him move forward.
He moved on to his afterlife.
Depending on what you believe, spirits may or may not become earthbound. I myself do believe for different reasons, some spirits are not ready to leave. I also think there are those who still crave the addictions they had in life and look to be around those people on the Earth plane.
Some spirits may worry for their loved ones and aren't ready to leave them. I often saw my mother's spirit and felt she was waiting for my father, who was ill.
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